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From the onset, this installation was created with the aim of representing a garden of tranquility, a haven to recharge in, a garden that fills anyone who visits it with the most positive energy possible and lights the path back to their own inner light and inner stillness, or peace. However, its meaning and reach intuitively grew and evolved as I worked on it, taking off from the personal to the global, as a symbolic representation of Peace and the search for inner stillness/peace.

It is a belief of mine that peace in the world will only ever be attained when everyone has found their own tranquility/peace with and within themselves, or at least begun the long search for it. Before being a global one, the journey is always a personal one. There is a deeper meaning to the saying “We are one”.


More and more every day, I am convinced that World Peace begins with each individual's cultivation of personal stillness/peace with and within themselves, and this Treepalace garden, which began as an act of love for one person and gradually grew into an act of love for the entire world, is my tiny contribution to help you feel this calming stillness for a few moments, and hopefully encourage you to look deeper for your own inner stillness / peace.

The individual Treepalaces are simultaneously a representation of the self as they are a representation of a safe haven, a place of nourishment, where nothing is lacking, nothing is needed and everything is in harmonious balance. 


The installation consists of an array of lovingly hand-made sculptures, mainly the luminous treepalaces and energy-trees, as well as the energy-spheres the ground of the installation consists of, along with other elements. Due to lack of a proper space, it has yet to be set up in its entire form, as one single entity/installation.  

Unpainted Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Luminous Treepalace 2 (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Very first Energy Tree
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
One of the Energy Trees Detail (Treepalace  Garden of Peace and Energy)
Unpainted Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy).JPG
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy).JPG
Detail of Luminous Treepalace 1 (Treepalace  Garden of Peace and Energy)
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Top view of Luminous Treepalace 1 (Treepalace  Garden of Peace and Energy)
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy).JPG
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy).JPG
Unpainted Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Unpainted Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy).JPG
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Detail of Central Treepalace (Treepalace Garden of Peace and Energy)
Luminous Treepalace 2 (Treepalace  Garden of Peace and Energy)
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