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Sonatas and Nocturnes in G

(if you prefer to see the images on a one page gallery, click here)

Sonatas and Nocturnes in G is an exploration and a journey deep inside the slow healing and rebirth process of a dearly beloved, following the most harrowing time in their life. 
Rising from the notion that we all have our inner worlds and that everyone is an ever-changing landscape, most of the images portray the transformations of inner landscapes through the many cycles of rebirth and internal changes, while many represent worlds created as healing grounds or havens of peace to recharge in during those emotionally charged times. 

Sonatas and Nocturnes in G is also a portrait of the true beauty of a person, beyond the limited and ephemeral beauty of their physical aspect and right down into the intense, profound and wondrous beauty of the spiritual self, the luminous self, the true self we are inside, the one that endures. 

Single page Gallery | Sonatas and Nocturnes in G

Phoenix Tree 

Phoenix Tree.jpg

Rebirth 1

G's Cave 4.jpg

Rebirth 2

Lagos en Gruta de G.jpg

Rebirth 3

Rebirth 3 _ Sonatas and Nocturnes in G _

Autumn in a Lover's Heart (Rebirth 4)

Autumn in a Lover's Heart [Rebirth].jpg

Against the odds (A contre-vents)

Luminous white G-Tree against the odds 1

Protective Sky over River of Light

Protective sky for G.jpg

Mountains of Love

Mountain of Love.jpg

Melting Sky

Melting sky - G .jpg

Une goutte de tes yeux

Une goutte de tes yeux DSC_0386.jpg

Night Castle

Night Castle - G .jpg

Meteors of Love

Mountains of Love for G low res.jpg

Hatching Suns

Hatching Suns for G - low res.jpg

Moon and Mountains


Light of Love at Kew

Light of Love at Kew _ Lola Awada _ libr

Energy Rain on Mountains of Love

Energy rain on Mountains - Sonatas and N

Tree-Palace on Rocks (Tree-Palace 1)

Tree-Palace on Rocks _ DSC_1349 2.jpg

Tree-Palace 2

Tree Palace 2 _ Arbre Palais 2 DSC_0508.

Peace Tree-Palace (Tree-Palace 3)

Peace Tree-Palace _ Arbre Palais de Paix

Tree-Palace 4


Tree-Palace of Confused Tenderness (Tree-Palace 5)

Tree-Palce of Confused Tenderness - DSC_

Tree-Palace of Polarities (Tree-Palace 6)

DSC_0087 - mid res.jpg

Mountain and full moon

Moutain - Sonatas & Nocturnes in G.jpg

Stars Never Stop Shining

web image 4.jpg

Castle in the Sky

[2] Castle in the sky for my Sweet.jpg

Eternal Sunshine

Eternal Sunshine - Sonatas and Nocturnes

Lantern Tree

Arbre lanterne pour G - low res.jpg

Waterfall of Energy 1

Untitled - from Sonatas and Nocturnes in

Waterfall of Energy 2

Waterfall of G energy .jpg

Waterfall of Energy 3

Untitled 2 - from Sonatas and Nocturnes

Waterfall of Energy 4

Waterfall of Energy 4 - DSC_0602.jpg

Waterfall of Energy 5

Untitled 4 - from Sonatas and Nocturnes

Bring out the light within the rage

Bring out the light within the rage -  G

Vent Purificateur / Purifying Wind

36 _ Vent purifiant for G - low res.jpg

Mountain of Light

Moutain of Light - FILE1389 mid res.jpg

Energy Drops (Purple Dew)

Purple Dew.jpg


Lighthouse for G.jpg

Healing Elixir 1

Healing elixir 1 - low res.jpg

Larmes de Ciel

Larmes de Ciel jpg

Heart of Energy and Courage

Heart of energy and courage -  G .jpg


Alba .jpg

Moon and Luminous Tree


Calming Water

Calming water .jpg


G Dancing.jpg
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